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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

No Youth Group BUT We do have the Thanksgiving Eve Service!

There will be no youth group this week because we are having our annual Thanksgiving Eve service from 7-8pm!  It's a quick and wonderful time for everyone to gather together and spend a moment reflecting on the many ways that God has taken care of us this past year.

So bring your friends and family over to not just celebrate our Lord but to stop and thank Him! 

Afterwards will be our annual "Unofficial Movie Night!"  It's unofficial because we are not buying you tickets, providing transportation or having you sign medical release forms. We're just letting you know that after the T-Eve Service, a bunch of us will be going to the 9:05 Frozen movie at the GH Galaxy theater! 

It's opening night for that movie so consider buying your tickets ahead of time. Often we have groups between 60-100+ associated in some way to Harbor Cov, it's crazy fun!

We'll pick up Youth Group again on December 4 with "Merry Jesus-mas" and our last one of the year on December 11 for our Mass Christmas Hangout!

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