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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Pit Crew and Summer Camp!

Our 15th Annual Trike Race is just around the corner!

This Wednesday we will be meeting at church and then splitting into our grades to build our Trikes and finish our teams theme.  So contact Jen at church if you're still unclear on what your grades theme is and what to bring.

....And...Our Summer Camp Registration is finally out!

Here's the gist:

We are changing gears and headed to Island Lake this year! If you turn in the registration before the end of June, Summer Camp this year will end up costing $315 which is $100 less than last year!  Also each cabin will have the opportunity to play paintball and ride the dirt bikes (must be at least 4'8") for free!  Registration can be picked up at church and will be uploaded to our website ( shortly so that you can download and print them from home (please download the pdf and not just print screen from the website).

The dates are the same that they have been all year, August 4-10!

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