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Monday, January 24, 2011


Mass Hangout THIS Wednesday! Which friends are you inviting? Is your family able to give them a ride?

What?! You don't know? Well ask them and find out! Don't worry, I'll wait....
... Sweet, they can? Awesome.

Don't forget that Winter Retreat forms are due so get them in if you are planning on going! And if money is the reason why you can't go, grab a scholarship form and talk to Jen (so he can tell you how excited that you are going!). You won't want to miss this trip!

Also any parents that would like an excuse to spend the weekend in Leavenworth, Cashmere or Wenatchee while their kids are having an awesome time at the retreat (Feb. 4-6) and would like their gas comped (for transporting students...) please let Jen know!

And finally, this Friday is another "Chill" at Chapel Hill! This all area middle school event is a must so we'll see you there!

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