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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

No Youth Group Tomorrow but Here's What's Happening!

We are in our Summer Schedule so Weekly Wednesday Night Youth Groups are done until September.  We will be doing a few Summer Hangouts about twice a month around our trips.  Our first will be This Monday at church from 4-5:30!  We'll be hanging out, eating ice cream and digging through a Bible passage!

More times and places to come.  If you want to host a summer hangout, please contact Jen!

These summer hangouts are for incoming 6th through incoming 8th graders.  Our graduating 8th graders are encouraged to jump into the High School summer hangouts.  They will next meet after they get back from their Panama Mission Trip.  They meet on Sundays after church.  More info will be available here:


Our next Gleanings Meeting will be on Sunday the 30th.  We'll meet at the 8:30 service to be commissioned by the congregation.  After that we'll exit to have our meeting until the 10am service where we will be commissioned again.  After that you can stay for the 2nd service or head home with your family!

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