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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

No Youth Group and Mission Trip and Poinsettia Info

What a fantastic weekend at the Thunder Retreat this weekend!  We had a blast and I'll be posting links and a short video soon.

Until then, we just wanted to remind you that there will be NO YOUTH GROUP tomorrow for Halloween so we ask that you stay safe and have fun!

We will see you next week (11/7) with our Retreat Recap.

And if you are even considering going on our Summer Mission Trip to Gleanings (July 6-15) in California, then you should pick up some Poinsettia Fund Raiser forms at church or simply download and print them from links on our website (  

We will have a Parent Mission Trip (middle school and high school) Info Night on Monday Nov. 5th at 7PM.  But don't wait until then to start selling since Poinsettia order forms will need to be turned in no later than Nov. 14!

Please contact Jen with any questions!

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