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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Turn Poinsettia Forms In Sunday!

Your Poinsettia Mission Trip Fundraiser forms need to be turned in Sunday!

If you can't get them in the drop box (outside Room 106 in the Ed. Building) while the church is open, contact Jen  and let him know that you'll be dropping them into the church mailbox.

The Poinsettia Fund Raiser is one of a handful of fund raisers that we will be doing for our mission trip to 'The Yak' this summer.  Registration for this mission trip will come out soon.  Dates are on our online calendar (found on the bottom of our website: and will be from July 8-14.

Poinsettias will be delivered to the church, Friday Dec. 2nd.  Please make arrangements to pick up the ones you sold so that you can deliver them that weekend.

Please contact Jen with any questions.

Also remember that there will be NO YOUTH GROUP this Wednesday due to our church's Thanksgiving Eve Service from 7-8pm.  We do however encourage all our students to come to this laid back service and bring their friends and family.  This short service is an opportunity for us to gather together to reflect over the past year and thank God for how he has been present in our lives.

After the service many Middle School, High School and even former students (and their friends and families) are known to go to the family friendly movie at Galaxy.  We call it the "Unofficial Movie Night" because we don't buy your tickets or arrange rides for anyone.  Though we'd be super excited to see you there!  This 10+ year tradition usually has 80+ people connected to HCC attend the same movie together!  We'll post Monday night which movie we're planning on going to and we recommend buying your tickets before the service starts.

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