It's in the _______ neigborhood, just look for my blue Volvo parked on the right in front of the driveway! (my cell phone ________)
It's from 12-2pm so come out for some fun, games, food and don't forget to bring a swimsuit! Bring a snack to share if you like!
Also We'll be leaving for Camp Spalding THIS SUNDAY! a pack list is being mailed out but here it is for your instant perusal:
What To Bring:
Sleeping Bag/Pillow
Sunscreen/Insect Repellent
Towel and Toiletries
A Light Jacket Or Sweatshirt
Swim Suit (One Piece Only!)
Camera (Optional)
$10-15 For Two Road Meals (More Is Optional For the Snack Bar at camp)
Tennis Shoes
Water Bottle
(A Duffle Bag That Holds Both Clothes
And Sleeping Bag Is Recommended)
What not to bring:
Personal Electronic Devices like iPods/gaming (things that use headphones) due to them being Anti-Social, Weapons, Drugs, Alcohol, Pets, Expensive Personal Items, bad attitudes, or He-Man Action Figures.
Cell phones can come but we ask that they are left with leaders to keep distractions to a minimum. There is no cell service at the camp and they will be handed back on our return home to help coordinate pick-ups.
We will be meeting EARLY Sunday Morning at Chapel Hill (time still pending) to leave on the bus together and will be back Saturday evening around 6-7pm.
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