Tuesday Afternoon (weather permitting) Rachel will be taking a group out to see some baby goats! (More info coming but it's currently looking to be around 1pm.) If you are interested just send me an email at jeaston at harborcovenant.org or give Rachel or I a call.
Wednesday from 6-7:30pm we will be bringing back "Hoonting"! If you don't know what that is, we essentially play blowdart tag with safety goggles, pvc pipes and hand made paper cone darts. I know you must be saying to yourself, "what are they thinking?" But that must only be because you have never tried it! Lots of fun to be had so come on down!
And Thursday from 12-1:30pm we will be doing a Frisbee Disc Golf Clinic and Tournament. If you are interested in learning how to play or even just to pick up some tips on how to chuck a frisbee, then you need to be here! Come on out to learn how to play on a course here at church that jr and sr highers have been playing on for nearly 10 years! If you have a frisbee, bring it and if you don't, no worries! We got you covered!
If you want to do something else this week, give one of your leaders a call!
----Free Movie Info----
Now we originally were planning to watch a movie Tuesday night but let me give you some background about that first. A very nice person at our church won in an auction 75 tickets to see a movie at the new Galaxy Theaters here in Gig Harbor and promptly donated it to the youth group! We tried to set up a night this week but found it to be too difficult.
The new plan is to watch the new Dreamworks movie Monsters Vs. Aliens an April 15th around 6pm. Since that is on Wednesday night, this will be instead of Youth Group! We will be requiring students to sign up WITH a $5 deposit (which we will give back to you at the movie) to make sure that every seat is filled and no one is turned away that wanted to go.
Sign up lists will be at each youth event this week (or you can drop off your deposit with your name at the front office) so make sure your name gets on that list!
I will also be adding the Summer Camp (Camp Spalding) and Mission Trip (Gleanings) forms up online tomorrow!
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