They are however playing NEXT Wednesday the 28th so that will be when our crazy Baseball game will be!
This is the game where for nearly 15 years we've been going to a Rainiers game to root for the opposing teams Right Fielder! He has no idea that he will have 60+ people cheering for him and it's quite a laugh. You can't miss it, it's the best way to finish off your summer!
Tickets will cost $15 and come with transportation from Harbor Covenant to Cheney Stadium and a meal voucher for a Hot Dog, chips and a soda!
So pay your $15 at the church office or put it in the metal drop box outside the Youth Pod (Room 106 in the Education Wing) this Sunday or as soon as you can! First come, first served! Also make sure that you have a Medical Release Form filled out (if you've gone on any trips with us this year you should be fine).
We'll meet at church at 5:30pm
We really need you all to pre-purchase your tickets so we know we have enough seats! So contact Mike or Jen and get your money in!
And for our Mission Trip Gleanings Crew: Our Wild Waves delayed debrief will be the following day, Thursday Aug. 29th!
Times will be sent out soon but wanted to make sure most of you would be able to make it so please contact Jen with a yeah or boo-hoo soon!